CARD CATELOG for all Publications, check here first.
Also read the ABOUT PAGE; This is how I organize the longer books that I have cut into bite-sized chapters. Everything will be here grouped in a logical sequence.
[NOTE: I just put 6 of these categories up on the navigation bar. I’ll keep that up to date with new links. Now more things are in the open, even if you don’t come into this index. Still, there are many articles and comments that are not in those categories, but only here. The outside bar is not wide enough to contain all, thanks.]
1. Review of Russia's Foreign Policy Climate 2012 - 2018
2. BACKGROUND ON UKRAINE, Yanukovych 2002 – 2014
3. Another look at the Euro-Maidan and its Snipers
4. The American people are not going to war with Russia over Ukraine, full stop.
I have to make an overall comment on this site: My major challenge is that NOBODY IS LOOKING TO READ YET "ANOTHER" BOOK. Especially a book recommended by somebody else. So why do I pit myself against that?
Books can verify that you are already “right”; OR they can change the way that you think. Nothing will change in your life or in the world until you change the way that you think. To change, you have to come to realize what you think now is defective or wrong. Or at least it is in need of an update. Often that takes finding something that seemingly is a better idea. But I say you can also have your own modicum of doubt, or “hold your thoughts lightly”, and see where that leads you. (For sure; To a further discovery.)
Everyone that visits this site is mainly interested to follow our world instability. Domestic issues take a back seat. I say that you are all hooked on current events, (me too). But how you interpret current events is based on how you think, (on your belief structures, and your adopted definitions from yesterday, {history}).
Both History and the theory of Ethnogenesis from Gumilev (almost all of this site so far), is a breakthrough on what happened, what is happening and what will happen. Instead of the deep state, he investigates the "deep people". There are energetic stages within civilizations, (willingness to DO something) and the western world is in one of these stages. I interpret our present mind-set as NOT PROACTIVE. So what can we resolve? Are we just trying to hang on to our privileged lifestyles. I suppose I could accept that classification even for myself.
In Search of a Fictional Kingdom (excerpt)
Our new book, Gumilev’s major Historical Work.
Here we will start to move around the world and dig into contention.
This was our last project about the longstanding HATE of anti-Semitism.
All posts are in the index
Below is post 12.
This book review below is about how we (mis)use words.
It is the filter through which we are reading and considering everything in this Library, and everything in our world. How important is that??
Our world takes its form through our verbal descriptions
The Myth That India’s Freedom Was Won Nonviolently Is Holding Back Progress
And another (winning) book review below:
A fascinating re-post about pre-historical mankind
[Now Self-as-Method, our previous book, is found in the Chinese main index. below]
Here are some philosophical uploads
This below is an ongoing open comment thread for general topics.
Philosophical Open-Thread, post # 5
Open this for my thoughts on the Soviet Union
No books on this link.
Administration messages will be about where this site is going.
I am open to find out.
New Directions for the Library 4 Conciliation
Also besides philosophy, I want to post additional organizing information.
This library collection is a mass of work, and we need as much organization as possible to keep it straight. Below my first post is a list of Ancient Asian clans, tribes, ethnicities and nations that are active in this historical drama. I will add to the list as I collect more of them. (It is kind of a mystery to me too.)
Here is the Chinese INDEX Page. Soon there will be a few more entries in it that may change some of your conclusions about China. The Self-as-Method book is here also.
This below will be in an “Anti-System” INDEX Page.
Anti-System is that destructive force that seems to be more prevalent every year. We will look for evidence of anti-system in all eras of our western traditions. I moved this index from above, when it was current, because knowing about the negative side of our society is not all that appealing. Perhaps it is not a good “Leader” for our site. Many people believe that negativity is infective if it is on the surface of your thoughts. Does this mean that if negativity travels in the unconscious, it does not affect you? Very dangerous I would say, and the present world conflicts are the proof of it.
1. This is a STUNNING book from Lev Nikolayevich Gumilev, his major work on Ethnogenesis. (20 chapters & a dictionary)
This is his principle work on Ethnogenesis. It is quite detailed and will take some time to get through it. There are 6 - 7 stages of Ethnogenesis according to Gumilev’s theory. As he takes us through those stages, he gives many example from different cultures. So the book is also full of historical references, many of which are not usually heard.
Below are more Books on the Theory of Ethnogenesis
This is my major first work uploaded back in July 2023, the Yevtushenko book on Ethnic theory (Ethnogenesis), and compiled history. Click the link to get further links for all 11 chapters, and my comments: This book also relates to current events, and even has a chapter on Ukraine written after the 2014 coup.
The two smaller excerpts contribute to the longer book of Yevtushenko.
The whole site is about books, not otherwise available in English. Everything is intended to read on-line, and all comment fields are open. These are not articles, therefore you are approaching many 1000’s of words, just like any other book. I have divided them into “bite-sized” sections that can be read in one sitting, about 20 pages each. And there are short/medium/and long writings to choose from.
1a) This first is a fantastic short 32 page essay, (13,000 words), on the philosophy of man’s coalescence into groups, of which it’s the condition every human being. I recommend reading this first to grasp an understanding of what follows.
1b) Then; This Rus to Russia is a short piece condensed from Gumilev. Reading this next, (only 27 pages), could be a way to start investigating the Yevtushenko book just below. That is because it has a first section explaining the theory of passionarity. History can be a long series of informative facts, through which we become “knowledgeable”. But without a central theory to tie it together, Knowledge is not Understanding.
INDEX page, Yevtushenko book on Ethnogenesis, in 11 chapters
2. This Book is also a good explanation of the Theory of Ethnogenesis. End and Beginning Again
It covers each phase of the rise and fall, and then goes into detailed examples from various parts of the world, demonstrating an Ethnos that is in that particular phase.
Index Page - for Full End & Beginning in 12 chapters, now uploaded
Below are Books on the Method of Historical/Geographical Research
3. Some of Gumilev’s work is to perfect the science of historical geography. Part of his writings are primarily devoted to that.
Anthropological methodology in search of Khazaria, a 5 year expedition.
INDEX: Methodology of Historical Geography, finding Khazaria
This excerpt below is from his “Complete Works” and covers the material rather well. I don’t believe the full book is limited to this subject, but that is what I am uploading in these three parts.
(I enjoyed reading and working with this condensed book. For some it may be a bit dry, studying methodology, and may not be the first place to start reading in our library. Read 1a) and 1b above), short and interesting.
I may look for the complete book, and add some chapters onto these three parts?) I already have other long projects in line for further work. So we’ll see?
Here’s an excerpt from Complete Works devoted to Method.
Lev Gumilyov Complete Works part 1/3
In this short section standard previously accepted histories are sorted out to show that implied hostility couldn’t have been the case, because of ongoing trade relations.
Below are Books on History
4. Here is our historical upload on the formation of the Russian state, 18 chapters
Read one chapter, and then you’ll see where to take it.
5. This is a university course on Ancient Russian history up until the Soviet period.
This book ends after the first World War. There is nothing about the overthrow of the Tsar in 1917. This book is more of a social and political commentary, and not an analysis of the wars. Of course they are all mentioned, but recounted synthetically. There is a lot of ground covered, therefore it is lively, and moves quickly. (That is why I posted all these sections in such a short time.) I was totally interested to review what comes next. I had originally worked with this book 2-3 years ago.
Index Page, Ancient to pre-Soviet Russian History, in 6 chapters
6. This book is about that area around the Caspian Sea called Khazaria.
It is of interest because after certain Jewish forces took control with a coup, 4,000 Jewish families controlled and profited from most of the ancient trade routes for about 150 years. This was the first accumulation of capital, that later controlled commercial relations in Europe in the subsequent centuries.
Index Page, "The Opening of Khazaria", historical section, 5 chapters
7. Short Asian histories, here I will have a central index with all the short book links. For now I leave them all visible below.
I want to focus on Central Asia, the Steppe region, and then move East with other shorter translated works from the Russian. We know European history from the western viewpoint. That has the stamp of the rich nations who paid the historians.
We really know next to nothing about the ancient North and South Native Americans, and have only the history of their colonization by Europe. There is no extensive written record of the African continent or Oceana.
But it turns out central Asia is replete with ancient history. What is the relationship of these ancients with our moderns?
Explaining the setting and lifestyle in Tibet. The ancient religion was Bon, which was magic spells and evil spirits.
Here we find the struggles with the introduction of Buddhism. And what Buddhism was in all the surrounding countries. It wasn’t that the “good Buddhists” moved north to enlighten the Chinese. They were forced to flee from the Indian Hindus who wanted to kill them. Little to nothing was good about it, but it is only a way that the powerless Tibetan ruler tried to depose the country elites and land owners who were supported by the old Bon religion. Buddhism was just a counter-pole to suppress the Bon. It didn’t work for about 4 tries, and merely ensured continuous civil war.
Very complicated movements and armed struggles, and suppression back and forth with China. As one side weakened the other side attacked through repeated cycles.
Here the Turks move West, and different persecuted tribes gained strength when you thought that they were finished. There is a good explanation of the silk trade, and what it meant to all sides.
Chinese inner aggression was at its peak. Corrupt rulers went through palace intrigues and counter betrayal year after year through a litany of strong men and their execution. The Han dynasty was dismembered and three power groups finally gave up trying to unify the country. In the end they destroyed everything, the population was reduced from 50 million to 7.5 million in 100 years.
This is an incredible puzzle to piece together a history starting 3,000 years ago. A lot is discussion points to how to evaluate early written histories and corroborate them with archaeological finds.
Like the whole of ancient Asia, it was impossible to exist without continuous war. One wonders how they could mount so much aggression. Someone was growing food and raising horses? That also coupled with the probable exaggeration of the size of the conflicts. Just a little understanding of logistics, would make most of it impossible. However the sure thing is that genocide and slavery were the preferred methods, perhaps the only methods.
As usual Gumilev’s analysis is full of details, people, places, movements and wars won or lost, that many of us have not heard of before. So it is difficult to keep it all straight, if not impossible. It takes further study. But you surely get the taste of antiquity. (It was no picnic.)
There was a white race in central Asia, from who knows how far back in antiquity. Perhaps many 1,000’s of years. Nobody could trace it, so often it was denied as a myth. Well, it is a curiosity. I think they were mercenaries for hire, but not an empire threat. They tried to life independently. (This is the shortest piece.)
Here is a conflict in the same territories as today, in Ukraine and Poland, 110 years later. This is an account when the sides were advancing and retreating, not the part when they were stuck in the same lines of trenches for years. I find this as an interesting read, besides both Gulmilev’s parents were poets, and had a great writing style.
Looks interesting, I will tune in later to get what I hope will be some good reads.
"The Process for Peace and conciliation is UNDERSTANDING".
A non sequitur really for it depends on what intentions are and given the intentions of The West, The Thought Leadership failed to understand just what they were dealing with in their Ukraine Proxy War to take down the Russian State and pillage state resources.
And so . . .
Narrative Collapse.
Only when the last American artillery shell has been fired in The Ukraine, only when the last Ukrainian soldier has been killed in The Ukraine and only when the last of Ukrainian state territory has been irretrievably lost from The Ukraine will The Americans and Europeans finally realize that God Favours Russia . . .