INDEX FILE, for condensed Gumilev books
When I started with translation, it all seemed so daunting, (hard work, for what)? So I started slowly with condensed version of books, not to get all tied up in a mega-project. Here they are:
Where to start? We are “efficient beings” and we have allocated our time to what we know serves us. I am not going to take on a pile of books, just because you say so.
So start slowly. Short isn’t really short. It is still a chapter or two. (I admit, this is a special site (the library), maybe only for “bookworms”?) But I love it that you’re reading this.
You can see the full version of this. Look and you’ll find it, fantastic.
there is also the full version of this. Look and you’ll find it, fantastic.
From Rus to Russia, condensed
I wish I could find a good copy of the full Hunnu text. I found it once, but the translation came out garbled.
The History of the Hunnu Nation (part 1 of 3)
This is Gumilev’s father, and his writing.
Notes of the cavalryman. Memoirs of the First World War