14 Perspectives. On the Jewish Thread; Guest Opinion piece, some possibilities need to be said directly, that’s my Hypothesis.
I asked Librarian if I could write a guest opinion piece. I couldn’t have written this anywhere, without the precise groundwork on Zionism which Librarian has lain.
(1,800 words)
Here we are in an anti-Semitism thread, but on the face of it is a war thread. That is because you can’t think of anti-Semitism these days without acknowledging the huge loss of life within Israel and Gaza, and that those losses are skewed heavily in what we used to call “collateral damage”, that is, killing of non-combatants. Or killing of the innocents. This skew is so great, that now we have come to conclude what was once collateral, is now the target.
Western sensibilities are reacting against this, and some are even willing to conclude that THE JEWS are committing genocide. [By the way, “genocide” is just a “legal word” that doesn’t change a thing], over 35,000 are killed outright, (they say?). And who knows how many are under the rubble, or died because there are very few hospitals left in operation, none by now. Plus, there is a blockade, mass dislocation, and a mass starvation.
It becomes difficult to write about anti-Semitism under the shadow of these events. People might assume you are attempting to exonerate these circumstances, or find excuses by choosing such a topic. But is important to distinguish, THE-JEWS didn’t kill anyone. Some people did all the killing, and they were self-identified as Jewish and Zionists. All of Librarians reading is from Israelis with a different viewpoint. What is the difference in this seemingly thin distinction? In the first case this whole problem begins to look for the real causes, what Librarian is attempting to do. While the second usage “the Jews did this”, is the fuel for increased world hate and anti-Semitism, and is exactly the desired cover-up for the real cause.
So why do people make wars? Maybe we or a few others of us agitate for it. But do we have the capacity to make it happen? Talk is cheap. (But those intended victims, must be doing something on our territory that we find intolerable?) It is not just our ancient mythology that says we must kill them. Maybe they are going to “overrun” our society? Maybe they take our jobs? Maybe we have determined that in the event of war, we won’t be the ones that must fight it. The standing army will have to do that? So, let’s unleash it.
Usually I see it as the opposite. It is the central authorities or those that advise them that agitate for war, and it is populous that asks for peace. It is they that will have to pay the immense costs of war. Yes, there are reasons for war, but I am not going to make a lengthy listing.
I will go immediately to the center of my hypothesis:
There are costs of war and there are profits of war. How to they add up?
✓There is destruction that will have to be rebuilt. But people will have to repay those debts.
✓There is death, but that will be replaced for free by the next generation.
✓The deaths will become part of a mythology whereby we can easily repeat the plan if it works out in our favor.
✓There is risk that we may lose control over what we have, but much more likely we will gain control over a far bigger fraction. (That’s the plan.)
✓We can suppress any opposition as traitorous.
In the vanquished nation, the same, even more will have to be rebuilt. Take the Ukraine; people are buying condominiums in Odessa for lower prices than ever imagined. If their building is still standing, they will profit immensely. I believe that there are real-estate companies operating in the Russian military, and they are selling prime Ukrainian properties to Russian Soldiers. That’s a side effect. The real movement is in western corporations buying huge tracts of land in minerals, agriculture, forestry and oil shale. These are investment opportunities after the hostilities. All depending on how the war plays out. The balance sheets set-the-limits on what can be peace, or what will be continued hostilities. We can’t finish without some profit margin, ideally a lot of profit.
Outwardly it is a loss. You move into Ukraine to rebuild an apartment block at the cost of 100, then you get 10 back in rent. First year, you are standing at minus 90. That is the magic of bookkeeping, it says you now own housing that yields a 10% return. It is this convention of paper assets that cause all wars. Even with all our excess profits and excess capital, we cannot own an apartment block in our own country. We already own them all, (or our competitor owns them).
First it manifests as excess production capacity. We can beat down tariff protections with the WTO free trade mantra. We can force the dumping of our goods with secondary sanctions that disallow anyone from trading with you. We can spread our excess capital into all the corners of the world. But then when that dries up, (like because of sanctions, or whatever), it has to move to war. The sponsor’s bookkeepers will tell you what can and can’t be done.
Excess capital is not the inevitable destination of all human enterprise. It is the exclusive endpoint of those economic systems that say “gather all that you can get for yourselves, {with no limits}”. AND any limits that we find we will gradually dissolve them, to free you totally. In another system there will be another tendency. It might have its own problems. Or with this system, excess capital could be trimmed with massive taxation on speculative ventures. What will people do if they are not allowed to speculate, (to gamble)? Ideally there won’t be any spare money to do it with. It will all be taxed. Of course, they will leave, and start their own little island nations (off-shores).
Now let’s imagine what war is for Russia. Profit is not measured on the oligarch’s balance sheet in rubles or dollars and cents. Well, it’s sure that the oligarchs think of it in that way, but they are not the driving force. The driving force is security after many hundreds of years of attacks from the envious west. Russia started out far behind in technical force and manufacturing capability, so they appeared to be an easy target for centuries. They lost the Crimean war with sailing ships against steam powered ships, with thin-walled cannons, and smooth-bore flint-lock rifles.
Deterrence in the modern world to maintain your sovereignty is not only a parity in weapons. It is a parity of SIZE, of territory, technology, population, and knowhow. All large nations are multiethnic, so the target is to ignite separatist feelings, or to create them if they do not exist. All small disunified territories will be easy to manipulate.
My feeling is this battle for Russian sovereignty is the last one ever. My feeling is that Russia knows that, and they will prevail. I don’t say that it will be easy or inevitable, it is a game of strategy and time, but Russia holds a good hand, and even if they didn’t, they have a force. There are many unknowns on both sides.
There are also many ways to think about it. Will a nation that grew up on Wonder Bread and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches be a winner?
If my theory expresses the fundamentals of human conflict, what are the nuances that we see today? For at least the last century, all wars are sponsored. Librarian said it in previous comments. There are the sellers of hate and the buyers of hate. Without a sponsor, my nation couldn’t go to war, and my hate couldn’t get off the ground. Or, I know about basic world hostilities, and I may start a war hoping to attract a sponsor. Part of that expertise is to portray myself as a victim, with countless atrocities real or contrived. Still, without a sponsor I will have to fold. But Proxy wars can go on a very long time, because the sponsor is not damaged. In fact, Syria could be reignited through Israel.
But now what is different is that America’s proxy has enabled a direct war with Russia. Is that an advantage, or a disadvantage, and for whom? Russia has used it with success with its own population, and has built a strong “pre-war” economy. I say pre-war to differentiate between a total mobilization.
THE WEST WILL NEVER BE ABLE FOR A TOTAL MOBILIZATION. Just throw a few atomic bombs and see what happens. I think if that starts, it will be as a measured destruction, probably isolated to one part of the US and one part of Russia. I believe that will cause the immediate breakup of the USA. The other parts will make a peace.
How to bring it back to Israel? The balance sheet I am talking about does not belong to the Israelis. They are the colonial proxies. So, the behaviors (and who to maintain in power) are not the decisions of the Israeli people. They have an inconvenient mythical history that plays directly into violence. They are the perfect proxies, but I can’t see them as the driving force.
If total ethnic cleansing of Arabs is possible, then Israel can annex the conquered lands. Before that, they would have to deal with some form of citizenship of those people, which they won’t. Will total cleansing be the start of peace and prosperity?
You must consult with the bookkeepers again. Peace has never been one of their objectives, there is no column for peace in their balance sheet. There’s only a column for domination. What will they be forced to dominate next. All land within Israel WOULD BE ONLY THE STARTING POINT.
There is another theory about Israel. It is their own diaspora that causes all the trouble. Maybe they don’t want to kill anyone but they treat Israel like the home team in a great game they are following. They won the 1967 war in six days. Hurray, go-team. (How many days will it take to win the next one?) Let’s go get them. Anything Zionists ask for, give it to them.
But the Diaspora is not having to live in a zone of constant hostility. They are comfortable in their New York Offices. It is probably their excesses that will take Israel to its doom.
Change the rules so that it is those New Yorkers have to cleanse Manhattan of all the Puerto Ricans or blacks. We’ll give them all the money and tanks and bombs. Just think guys, when you win, you will own all of Manhattan. It will be the land of milk and honey.
I rest my case.
I present books, or chapters of books that I think would be of interest, and I probably say a few words about them, (to raise some interest). But I don't usually publish my opinions.
This is an opinion piece or a conclusion, that I don't necessarily refute. I see a lot of merit in the proposals. I am not through with anti-Semitism research, and when I come upon something new, I will post it in this thread. In the mean time I will give energy to the world-contentious-regions thread. If anyone else would like to post a guest piece on any subject please tell me, either here or in a direct message.