INDEX for Ethnogenesis and the Biosphere, Gumlilev
This will be the container for all the chapters of this "principle theoretical work" of Lev Nikolayevich Gumilev.
How did I come upon this author of History, Geography, Archeology, Anthropology, and the development of a theory of the rise and fall of civilizations? I really can’t remember the details. I was investigating societal collapse a few years ago. I can’t read Russian, so it seemed a very big work just to get another view on it. Most of these works had no English equivalent when I started. I had already translated a mass of Soviet history, to see why the USSR collapsed. (I haven’t uploaded anything about the Soviets, but I have the complete story in about 5 volumes.)
My first view of Gumilev was the overview from Yevtushenko, (here on the site). He had studied all of Gumilev’s books, and consolidated them. That saved me a lot of labor, and satisfied me for a couple of years. I had tried to translate this one, E&B back then, but I decided it was too long.
Then I found a Russian site with all of his books, (in Russian of course). While you could download them for a price, they were offering free excerpts. That is the basis of all the condensed versions at the end of our index page. I translated all of those, and at least two of them were very interesting. From Rus to Russia, and the End and Beginning (Again). So for those two I found the full version, and translate them also. Then the Khazars, etc. etc. Much is already here in the 7 months of this site.
Gumilev is so knowledgeable and he writes in such a lively style that I was convinced to move forward. But only for myself, with no thought of any publishing. And then; here we are.
I will put the chapters on top, after this short note, which I may expand as I upload. I will divide the reference notes so that each upload has its relevant notes. Many notes are authors and books, usually from Russia. Some notes further expand a particular point.
Below the chapter links you’ll find a table of contents, of what to expect in Nine Parts and 38 chapters. (I combine the so-called chapters, so there will not be 38 uploads.)
DICTIONARY: Ethnogenesis and the Biosphere, Gumilev
2. Much to do with methodology in writing this book and practicing Historical/Geography.
I. On the usefulness of ethnography.
The dissimilarity of ethnoses. The confusion of the terminology applied. Generalizations and scrupulosity. Frames.
The historian without geography is met with "punctuation."
II. Nature and History.
Combining nature and history formations and ethnicities. Can historical sources be trusted? Can the monuments be trusted? There is no sign to define an ethnos. Ethnos is not a society. Language. Ideology nor culture. Descent from a single ancestor. Ethnos as an illusion.
III. Is there an ethnos?
Between West and East. Country and nation without a name.
"Ethnos," a work by S. M. Shirokogorov. "States" and "processes."
IV. Ethnos and ethnonym
Names are deceptive. Examples of camouflage. The impotence of philology and history
V. Mosaicism as a property of ethnicity
The formation of sub-ethnic groups Variants of ethnic contacts, Role of exogamy Experience of interpretation.
VI. Ethnic stereotypes of behavior.
Dissimilarity as a principle, Variability of behavior stereotypes, Ethnos and the four senses of time
VII. Ethnos as a system
"System" in popular explanation. "System" in hagiology, (sacred writings and saints)., Levels and types of ethnic systems
VIII. Sub-Ethnoses .
Structure of ethnicity. Self-regulation of ethnicity. Consortia and Convictions
IX. Super-ethnoses .
Reality of super-ethnos - "Franks". Origin of super-ethnos - Byzantium. Failure of super-ethnos - the Arabs in the seventh and tenth centuries.
X. Algorithm of ethnogenesis.
Ethnic relics. Statics and dynamics. Incorporation. The difference between equilibrium and development. Ethnogenesis and natural selection. Altruism, or rather anti-egoism. Extermination of relic ethnic groups
XI. Ethnic contacts
Hierarchy of ethnic taxonomy. Contacts at different levels. Correlation of ethnic values of different orders. Contact of the "Five Tribes" and the inhabitants of the "Middle Plains". Contact between barbarians and Romans. Ethnoses always arise from contact. The "X Factor."
XII. Thoughts on World History.
Two aspects of World History. Why I do not agree with A. Toynbee. Why I do not agree with N. I. Conrad. About Hellenism. On Byzantium. About China.
XIII. Thoughts on Ethnic History.
The principle of uncertainty in ethnology. Two frames of reference. Cultural history and ethnogenesis. Urania and Clio.
XIV. The inverted task.
Ethnos is a phenomenon of nature. Man in biocenosis. Geographical environment has no influence on change of formations. Man's war with nature. Society, polity, and ethnos. Peoples have a homeland! Place-Development
XV. Role of combination of landscapes.
Monotony and heterogeneity of landscapes. On the shores of the sea and the edges of glaciers. Landscape character influence on ethnogenesis
XVI. Formation of anthropogenic landscapes
Societal development and landscape change. Indians, peoples of Siberia and their landscapes. Ancient civilizations of the "fertile crescent". Ancient China. Rise and decline. Periodization by phase.
XVII. Explosions of ethnogenesis.
Explosion of ethnogenesis in the I century AD. Huns in the 6th-5th centuries AD Ethnogenesis explosion in the 6th century AD. Explosion of ethnogenesis in the 11th century A.D.
XVIII. Ethnos and population.
Ethnos is not a population. Background monomorphism and factor X. Complementarity. Biological lines of inquiry
XIX. Phylogeny or Ontogeny?
Human progress and evolution. Regional mutations. Biocenosis conversions and succession. Anthropo-successions.
XX. When immortality is more terrible than death.
Phylogeny transforms into ethnogenesis. Evolution and ethnogenesis. Creativity or Life? Thoughts of S.I. Korzynsky. The excess and inertia in ethnogenesis.
XXI. The Sum of Contradictions.
No answer has been found yet. Ethnogenesis and energy. Discreteness of ethnic history. Where is the "X factor"? Clio versus Saturn.
XXII. Ethnogenic trait or "factor X".
Here it is, "factor X"! F. Engels about the role of human passions.
XXIII. Images of passionaries
Napoleon. Alexander the Great. Lucius Cornelius Sulla. Jan. Hus, Joan of Arc, and Protopopop Avvakum. Hoarding or embezzlement?
XXIV. Passionary Tension.
The biochemical aspect of passionarity. Multiverse, Ethnic system in the scheme of things. Passionary induction. Patterns of loss of passionarity.
XXV. Subpassionaries .
Individuals are harmonious. "Vagrants," "vagrant soldiers," and "Degenerates." Gradations of Passionarity Hannibal and Carthage.
XXVI. Fading Passionarity.
Flash and ash. Weak but effective passionarity. Bastards. What cements ethnic groups?
XXVII. The field in the system.
Ethnogenesis. The ethnic field. Rhythms of ethnic fields. Ethnic field and ethnogenesis. The nature of superethyos. Chimeras
XXVIII. Nature of Passionarity.
V. I. Vernadsky's doctrine of the biosphere. Mutations - passionary shocks. "Joints" of landscapes. Thoughts on noosphere.
XXIX. Passionarity and sphere of consciousness.
System of reference. Relationships of impulse discharges. Applying the concept to ethnogenesis Place of passionarity in historical synthesis Generalization Curve of ethnogenesis History and ethnology.
Part eight. AGES OF ETHNOS.
XXX. The way of scientific search.
Time and History. From historical geography to ethnic psychology. Contradictions. Rises and falls. Principle of Counting
XXXI. Phases of Passionary Rise and Decline.
The birth of ethnicity. Rise of passionarity. Second Rome or Anti-rim? Decay and rebirth. Passionary "overheating". The poetry of concepts.
XXXII. Shifts
And there is a pattern here. Passionary impoverishment. Reciprocity. Anomaly. The corruption of youth. Returned Youth
XXXIII. Fracture Phase.
Passive fracture. A succession of blossoms. In China. Victims of the heyday. The split of the ethnic field. The overkill and its significance.
XXXIV. The phase of inertia.
The "Golden Autumn" of civilization. From the "Christian" world to the "Civilized" world. Civilization and Nature. Who destroyed Babylon? What is "the decline of culture?"
XXXV. The phase of obscuration.
"Twilight" of ethnicity. From blossom to decline. Bloody gloom. Substitution. And so everywhere.
XXXVI. After the end.
The memorial phase. The transition to nowhere.
XXXVII. Negative values in ethnogenesis Crystallized passionarity. Consistency. No! "Abyss" (vacuum). Acts and phenomena. In the "band of freedom." Insights of V.I. Vernadsky.
XXXVIII. Bipolarity of ethnosphere.
Lies (untruth), as a principle. The third parameter. Destructive phantom. Ancient dualism. Concordat with Satan. The way out of hopelessness.
Glossary of Terms