INDEX: Anti-Systems seek only destruction, Why's That? (7 posts)
At first, I wondered why Gumilev dwells on formation and history of nihilism. I started to recognize, what we thought were just a few “bad people” at the top, is really a system dedicated to destroy.
This will be the INDEX location of all future posts investigating the anti-system.
I propose that the most devastating of western beliefs is that if you ignore negativity, pretend that it doesn’t exist, or that it never happened, or that we “outgrew that”, it will disappear. When really it is right here, underlying all that you do, until you confront it directly, and actively reject it in all of its manifestations.
I think that our attention is misdirected in looking for villains and deposing them, when it is the system of beliefs that will infect the next leader, (and the next and the next). It has also surely infected those that are seeking out the villains. It is exactly the same game.
Even a cursory look into ancient history will find people killing people. It is all on this site, if you read some of the ancient history. Is that the truth, or is it just an artifact of how history is collected, by the biggest events? There was always some religion, that we call Paganism. The pagans mostly relied on incantations and magic to ward off bad or trying times, (personified as evil spirits). Some used sacrifice to their gods and some even used human sacrifice. But these religions weren’t an “ideology”. They weren’t driven to domination.
Was the Roman religion an ideology, or was it just their “inertia” to conquer? (They stole riches by it.) I don’t know if it was an ideology, but even the Greeks had philosophies, and some of them were adopted in Rome. Christianity, essentially positive, grew up as a ideological system. Powerful parallel religions developed alongside of Christianity that were life-negative.
The roots of this negativity are many, but in the West it is Manichaeism. Manichaeism (Cathar is the Greek word for it), is a formerly major world religion, founded in the 3rd century CE by the Parthian prophet Mani, in the Sasanian Empire. Manichaeism teaches an elaborate dualistic cosmology describing the struggle between a good, spiritual world of light, and an evil, material world of darkness. They believe that evil must win, in order to exhaust itself, and that is their aim. In fact, there is no evil, since God created all, and Satan is serving God by driving people to Him. And, many Hebrew and Christian scriptures predate that with some similar views. Our first post traces the roots of Manichaeism and its activity throughout the Middle Ages.
1. FALSEHOOD AS A PRINCIPLE. Gumilev writes on Anti-System
How does it work, militarily in this day and age?
Mankind has often set out to fulfill impossible risks. If our assumption is, that everybody first and foremost will preserve their own life, then we can never understand much about it.
Smaller entities often enough make conflicts with larger entities. Was normal life just too closed and boring? Do they think that they will win? That certainly has happened, with new technologies in weapons, or with an innovative campaign against outdated military strategies, or just fierce soldiers that will charge into fortified firing, when it is never expected. Even the ancients used drugs in warfare, Vikings had some kind of intoxicating mushrooms. They even had companies of semi-crazies called “Berserkers”, that would charge into any battle. Cossacks used vodka in their dangerous charges. Drugs, amphetamines and such, are also in use.
Nowadays conflict is much more than just kinetic military might. But still sides of a conflict form, and great rhetoric of which is offence, or no, this only defense, are cried out.
I am going to propose that more often than not, conflict can be generated by what I'll call a proxy attack point. Even the ancients always sought military allies. It is all based on a world divided by major powers, and some of those powers are prepared to use any method, but pretend to be outside of the confrontation, (the rules of a strange game). The smaller proxy will attack as a hired mercenary force, because they have "an uncle" behind the scenes that will feed them what they need. Furthermore, they are promised riches upon success. Someone will get those benefits, maybe only the billionaires in that country. The rest will get death and suffering.
This first post is about the growth of the philosophy behind these conflicts. I believe that the simplest division of world philosophies is into life-supporting, the system, and nihilistic, the anti-system. That is enough analysis to recognize where we are headed, and what to do about it. At least it will be a good starting point. We are calling it life-negative, with the shorthand of "Anti-System". It's those nihilists that seek to destroy, whereas the "System" seeks to create on top of, and modifying what is here. When you actively start to be aware of it, you find anti-system often.
So far, I have 4 posts from different eras that I will put into this index, but more illustrations will surely come up.
The reoccurring explanation I have always heard for violence is that it is "man's nature". The only solution then, is believed-in force and fascism, (part of that same “nature”), which leads to the same "merry-go-round". But the human being acts on the basis of believed-in ideas. It is the animals that behave due to their "nature".
The second upcoming post will be a survey of Medieval conflicts, to investigate if they too were ideology driven. Manichaeism was very active during those conflicts.
2. Aggression Defined as Man’s Nature can never be Investigated further
3. “Anti-System Overview” carried into the 20th Century
4. This thread (and its INDEX) discusses the anti-system, life-negation.
5. Did you see Larry Jonson's post today?
6. The 'Judaic-Christian tradition' and 'common values of the monotheistic religions'
Let's see what we can find out, looking from this paradigm shift.
The Myth That India’s Freedom Was Won Nonviolently Is Holding Back Progress