INDEX: Methodology of Historical Geography, finding Khazaria
Also contains the Bibliography here, if you want to check out the footnotes.
I will eventually put all the (4) chapters in here. For now I will start with the map, and then kept under the future links I will list the 99 entries of the bibliography. I can’t vouch for these book titles, I can only translate and copy them. But in any case you can see the depth of Gumilev’s research.
Gumilev most often lists his references, and I always include them. But often I put them at the end of the last chapter (like in a book). But that is not helpful if you want to check them as you read. Sometimes footnotes are further reading, which probably is impossible without access to a Russian library. And at other times the footnotes are more detailed descriptions of one point.
(The idea is you can open two tabs, one for the chapter you are reading and one with the list of references.) If you want to. Same for referring to this map.
These chapters came out of a book which is a compilation. This has been the methodological part. Another part is more historical, and it’s in another part of our library. I’ll link to it here to connect the book: (History and Method are actually mixed in both locations.)
[Please Look Below to the very bottom for the reference list on all 4 chapters.]
Chapter 4 will be about all the different burial sites that were discovered and excavated. I will have a detailed map for all the locations along the Volga Delta. I am putting the map here too, so that you will have it in two locations. You can open the map here, while you read the descriptions in chapter 4, (now uploaded).
[another Note: I want to give you the incredible detail that an archeologist must consider. (Maybe normal for them, but incredible for us). This is all Russian Text. Surely in Russian you read everything as it was meant to be said. With my translation some very strange artifacts come out. Spellings are weird and inconsistent. Much jargon with no literal meaning, or names, are translated phonetically. I feel that these anomalies do not get in the way of my point.]
I forgot to add: Dark Green are the lands flooded in the 9th and 10th centuries. Light Green lands flooded in the 13th and 14th centuries. (You see why Khazaria was forced out of their lands.) Blue is the shoreline from the 9th to 11th centuries. The Dark Black line was the main river channel in the 6th century. the Akhtuba. The double Red was Khan’s road. The double Black is a caravan trail. The symbols are the origin of the finds, Guz, Turkic, Samatians, Tartars.
Here is a zoom-in:
I might as well put the key for the numbers here as well: (Remember to see the references below this text.)
Legend to the map of Volzhskaya Khazariya
1. The ruins of Saray Batu Khan.
2. In the floodplain of the Volga - Akhguba, on the right bank of Astuba in the tract Central and near the poultry farm (against villages of Selitryany) found on a plowed field fragments of red, well-burned ceramics, made on a pottery circle. Ceramics similar to finds in Saray and her affiliation Tatars of the XIII-XVI centuries. no doubt.
3. On the dried shore of Akhtuba below the mouth of the duct Mangut found fragments of cake, bad scorched, with brown surfaces and black clay in the middle. Ceramics of this type are known from Don to Baikal and dates from the VII-XI centuries .; in this case it can be with the greatest degree of confidence ascribe the guzam. One shard found in situ in layer under alluvial deposits with a power of 1.4 m.
4. On a hill near the southern outskirts of the village of Basta Sarmatian burials inflated by the wind.
5. Near the southern outskirts of Enotaevsk, in a landslide coastal hill over the Volga, were spotted human bones protruding from the earth. Man lay on his back with his head east, on the right the side was a poorly preserved iron sword. B heads - clay pot, right elbow - clay cup (sarmat).
6. At the side of the road, lying, as you might think, along the old caravan path east of Sarpinsky lakes, several found fragments of ceramics: gray-clay, good scorched, unorthodox. Despite little expressiveness, they resemble seroglin ceramics of Khazar burial sites on the tubercle of Stepan Razin.
7. Several found at the side of the road fragments of ceramics similar to Khazar gray-clay vessels of the tubercle Stepan Razin. Findings discovered during reconnaissance in 1960.
8. On a hillside, near a small lake, several fragments of ceramics found, similar to Khazar.
9. Azau tract - sand steppe overgrown rare bushes and tamarisk cups. Nearly in each purge on the mainland the bastard could find fragments of ceramics type attributed to us to the guz.
10. Punished trail through the market sands goes straight to the north. Now she lies next to her road. The finds were made in a bogey basin near an abandoned well. A lot of ceramics of Tatar and Guz, as well as fragments attributed by M.I. Artamonov to the bronze age. But the last is not of interest to our topic, and their description is omitted.
eleven. Grave digger Stepan Razin.
12. The system of tuber between the ducts Tas and Kabchik (Tarnaya). On the Biling tubercle (abs. Father peaks minus 14.4 m) burials detected (abs. ppm - minus 16.1 m). The skeleton is oriented to the northwest, lies on his back, his hands are extended, his head is tilted to the right. The skull is crushed, the bones are very bad safety. Around the skeleton two clusters fragments of ceramics: at the right knee - leftovers a vessel of seroglin, stucco, with drawn trellis of corrugation, whisk with roller on the inside; at the head - light brown with coated black surface, a leftist resembling a guz. Near the skull - piece of iron knife. A meter to the right knee - funeral pot, modeling reddish-brown, a whisk without a roller. Dimensions; height - 4.5 cm, neck width - 3.0 cm, width mid 5.0 cm. At the right elbow clay yarn, and the right side has an iron awl. On the chest - bronze round mirror with handle and button in center; mirror diameter - 5 cm; handle length - 1.2 cm; in a round hole in the handle. On the left shoulder, the right elbow and bronze fibula on the chest. Lower part, where the needle is fixed, wrapped in wire, the middle part is lyro-shaped with thickenings and a button at the end. Halat or dresses (fragments of the tissue of it stick to the ground) is indicated beads - 13 whole and 9 debris. Glass beads, round, from pipe segments, covered with a layer iris that hides color. One is bead heartbreaker. Date beads (as defined Z.A. Lviv) - I-II centuries. AD.
Biling Drilling Lifting Material varied: near the Muslim cemetery - Tatar ceramics of the 15th-16th centuries; west of burial many fragments of stucco ceramics similar described during the skeleton. Many fragments of iron products: knives, dodged, fragment of the sword. The largest the number of finds is associated with the spots of the compressed (beaten) land (floors where there was housing).
East of the above burial discovered another one, head to north, very poor safety in the solid layer cemented soup covering in places bones by 5 cm. Accompanied by fragments gray-clay stucco ceramics, small and inexpressive. No things with a skeleton discovered. Lifting material - debris (up to 2 cm) iron guns randomly scattered across the surface of the tubercle.
13. Bugor Kazeny. Discovered in a crest central booger skeleton is very bad safety. The skull was broken and its remains lying around the skeleton. Saved ribs and kneecaps made it possible to establish that the skeleton lay on his back and was focused to the west. Near the skeleton of the left side was bead of bulk land 0.2m higher than skeleton. Under her lay the lower jaw of the horse on a layer of charred soil. 1.5 m southwest lay fragments broken, black, burnt vessel and horse teeth. Accompanying things: a fragment of an iron knife under the skeleton neck, pieces of iron slag and copper plates up to 1 mm long and ash mixed with sand.
Here and everywhere further the burial ground, sometimes sprinkled with eol sand and dust.
Lifting material - ceramic fragments: 1 ) black-lin ceramics, molded with ducked furrows; 2 ) pottery, black with burnt to red-brown surfaces; 3 ) pottery ceramics, good tortured clay with gloss; 4 ) the same without gloss, roller with roller; 5 ) same with reddish inner surface; 6 ) slap neck elbows; 7 ) red clay ceramics, pottery, tile ringing; 8 ) iron fragment records.
Burial: over the cliff of the northern edge of the tubercle in its central part (in the middle) was discovered western-oriented burial is good preserved due to the fact that the layer cemented over the skull reached 7-10 see. Only the crowns of the two vessels protruded outside. The skeleton lay on his back with his stomach crossed hands and feet slightly bent in the knees. There are no legs and hands. In the head there were bones and the skull of a ram, and a little higher - fragments of a thin copper plate with holes and rivet around which the remains are preserved strap. In place of the brush of the left hand - partially preserved bronze mirror 2R =6.8 cm, 0.2 cm thick; below the pelvis is a piece of iron knife; the other, the larger - on the left shoulder. These are the wreckage one knife 12.7 cm long, 0.7 cm wide, single-use. Obviously, the knife was broken when burial and debris were in different places.
At the head of the head - two gray-clay vessels, lep, flat bottom, 14.5 cm high, with diameters 11 and 11.5 cm. The crowns are bent out, on one - the pit ornament. The legs of the skeleton were covered more than head, H backfills -25 cm, and on it 40 cm crushed north of the skeleton flat-bottomed cannon similar to described above, and a few amorphous bones. Attitude of this. third pot to burial unclear.
The second burial on the same tubercle, but lower than previous; also oriented west. The skeleton is laid on the back, the arms and legs are extended, feet are absent, bones of the hands mixed up due to a small landslide, who covered the body and thereby saved it from destruction. Long-distance bones there were large gaps. Not affected by landslide the skull remained on the surface and was crushed. C on the right side of the skull stood a black-headed stucco pot with a corolla bent outward and decorated a fancy ornament. Near him were fragments of crushed red pottery, a well-burned vessel, and above the head - fragment of a single-use knife.
14. Bugor Koren. Found in the center of the tubercle burial is very poor, oriented to the northwest. Accompanied piece of iron knife and fragments brown-gray, stucco ceramics with fossa and furrowed ornamentation. Lifting material: 1) black ceramics, well-burned, pottery layer; 2) the ceramics are stucco, coarse, black with burnt sides - guz; 3) black ceramics, stucco, poorly scorched with a flat crown; 4) red clay ceramics, pottery with a flat crown, with furrowed ornament.
East tubercle Koren - a low Bai-bugor, literally sown with finds down to the shards water dandies of the XVIII century. Lifting material collected: fragments of ceramics made of well-wrapped gray dough, snap, pottery, walls almost flat, apparently from large vessels with a lattice or parallel stripes. Roller Wens bent out; flat bottom, sometimes with a ledge outward, with traces of the board. The pens are flat, oval.
15. Bugor Kungur. Lifting material - fragments seroglin ceramics and iron guns.
16. Bugor Beshlyk - some fragments of ceramics and iron, there are bones of people.
Lifting material: 1) fragments of red clay ceramics with furrows; 2) fragments of guz ceramics with a wreath cut off; 3) ceramics black, poorly burned with dimples and furrow ornament; 4) ceramics brown gray (see. Root); 5) ceramics with drawn by the gloss (see. Bai-bugor).
17. Bugor Shike Hill.
On the east side of the hill, above the slope row dugouts with access to the east, with blurry walls. These are relatively late buildings. On the top of the tubercle the remains of the burial - the ribs and the trace tibia heads to determine, that the skeleton was oriented north. Accompanied by fragments of gray pottery ceramics with brown surfaces and debris iron guns. On the crest of the tubercle squares rammed land, without vegetation. Apparently, the floors of ancient dugouts.
18. In the sea, according to the Igolkin Bank, a excavator dug a channel to deepen the fairway (channel). Along the channel of the distillation tubercle, for the sea is deep here 0.5-0.8 m. On one of the miscarriages against the island Far discovered animal bones and fragments ceramics rolled with water. Large vessels black, with red roasting surface, the dough is weak, poorly exhausted, dents from fingers. Small vessels are black, with red surface from roasting, the dough is weak, poorly tortured, dents from the fingers. Small vessels are gray-clay, thin-walled. Those and others similar to previously found Khazar. Absolute find mark - minus 29.6 m, taking into account sea level in the bank and channel depth.
19. "Damn settlement", or "Motherland Books of the Big Drawing".
20. Bakhtemir and Old Coast Survey The Volga did not give a hike. Decent Barov tubercles built up, and distant ones contain a few fragments of Tatar ceramics. Bottom - alluvial plain, with crowds of willows and thickets reed. Above, at the latitude of the Devil's Town Hill", tubercle Karakol (7 km southeast of der. Self-deals) - an unsupported Tatar settlement. Traces of the hollow, fragments of large red clay vessels with furrow ornaments: furnace residues from bricks; between bricks bones of a bull and red fish.
21. Near the village of Uvara, a group of tubercles, where, by survey information, "skulls and shards". Tutinsky tubercle examined, where managed to clean up the remains of three Khazar (i.e. similar to the hikes of Stepan Razin) burial. All of them are ground, in very hard cemented soup, poor preservation, so how blurry.
a ) Crushing: skeleton residues - spine SHS oriented ( 3450 ); two pots (fragments): 1 ) red clay pot, good burnt flat bottom, stucco, bottom diameter 9.0 cm and 2 ) scraps of stucco, black, with red from wall firing, no bottom, diameter 20 cm; inside "lunch" lamb shoulder blade, amorphous bones, scrap of iron and ash.
b ) Burial: skeleton without head, without left hand and left legs; oriented northwest.
in ) The vessel is crushed, so clay bundled. Black clay cake pot with caught surface, the corolla is bent out, the bottom flat.
22. On Tabola, at the Chapaevsky fish factory, examined two tubercles, the first from the river a fragment of a vessel made of glued clay ribbons found (fried), similar to Dagestan vessels from under the Derbent Wall VI c. On top of the tubercle collected lifting material: 10 fragments Khazaras time seroglin ceramics, 5 fragments of guz ceramics and the bulk - pottery seroglin ceramics, ringing; ornated with furrows and pits, crushed by the oval end of the stick.
On a tubercle 1.5 km away from the river, gray-clay pottery, strong ceramics with a round roller on the little one. Decorated by a number of quadrangles indentations made by a wand along the corolla. She is close to Khazar, but not completely identical, maybe because we meet there are fragments of large vessels. On the examined tubercles found spots of round and oval floors dwellings.
23. On Tabola, near the village of Semibugra (them really seven), a tubercle examined - Sarai Tube. Discovered varied ceramics: gray elk; black with trailing drawn by a grate; red with furrow ornament and stucco, black in breaking with red burn (guz). Number of finds (45 fragments) exceeds all previously examined places.
24. On the Tobol duct, near the village of Razdor, chain Baer's tubercles. Ceramics are the same for everyone - three types: a) red, pottery, good burnt; 2) thick-walled, stucco, with red glutton, black dough in scrap (guz); black, popped, well-wrapped dough, ringing shards.
25. The baraniy tuber lone above Tuzuklei among the delta plain 1 km from the river. Abs. - minus 14.4 m. Affects the abundance of lifting material and burials.
Findings: a pot with a lid is collected from shards. Height 10 cm, diameter on the corolla - 8.5 cm, length - 7.0 cm, and the middle part - 12.6 cm. Stucco, black-clay, the corolla is bent out.
Skeleton of a child, lies head to the east. (It is - the only case of oriental (south) orientation.) Lies on his back, skull crushed, arms and legs pulled out. In the head of the head, in the place where usually the bones of the sacrificial ram are located, there is a skeleton baby. Sucked skull the baby is on the right shoulder of the skeleton. Near the head of the skeleton - two pots. One black, stucco, with a gray surface and a wreath bent out; his outside covered with horizontal grooves, height - 1.5 cm, diameter - 12.5 cm, wall thickness - 0.6 cm; second - flat, red, pottery, pear-shaped molds with a flat handle, well-fried dough; height - 12.6 cm, diameter - 10 cm; wall thickness - 0.5 cm; on a wide part - two fingers of stripes, in the base of the neck is one, and a pattern is drawn over it the form of the festoons. Under the skull found 1.3 cm diameter ring earrings.
Skeleton of a child at the northwest end of the tubercle lies on his back, head to the west. At the right temple fragment of the bronze earring-ring. Narushna left side of the ribs and collarbone: they lie on the skull and around him. A vessel assembled from shards, stucco, corrugated. Partially restored. Height - 12 cm; diameter - about 14 cm.
Skeleton of a child without pots, runs on the right side oriented west. The skull is broken in recent time; under the skull is an iron needle, under pelvic bones and lower back traces of wood, like gaskets. Skeleton length - 0.60 m.
Lifting material on Baranya boogre: a) guz ceramics - 13 fragments from the walls vessels, inexpressive, with a strikethrough nail horizontal grooves; 6) ceramics Tatar - 2 fragments; c) Khazar ceramics, made on a circle, gray-clay, ringing - 4 fragment.
Ornament: 1) wave (sinusoid) of seven parallel furrows; stroke width - 2 mm; 2) the same, heavier, stroke width - 4 mm; 3) grooves straight, four in the middle of the side of the vessel; width bar - 4 mm; 4) the same, deeper, covering the entire fragment of the vessel; stroke width - 2 mm; d) Khazar ceramics, stucco, black, weak scorched; e) two fragments of an iron knife; e) fragment of ceramic tiles - tiles, slightly curved; dimensions - 13x7x3 cm. On the north and quadrangular spots of slain land that are apparently, are the floors of the dwellings. Burials are grouped on the southern part of the tubercle, between the crest and and on the western end of the tubercle.
26. Found on a baroque tuber on the shore of Khurdun two inexpressive fragments of the guz ceramics.
27. Lifting material - guz ceramics - on Mullin's tubercle.
28. Lifting material - ceramics - on the tubercle Tishkovsky (Tishko in the lower reaches of Buyansky duct, close to the sea): a) fragments of ceramics gray-clay, with black surfaces made on the potter's circle, with a drawn catch - 3 fragment (hazaras); b) guz - 3 fragments; c) seroglin, stucco with inner red surface.
29. On the left bank of the Buyan Stream, on single tubercle in delta alluvial plain - two inexpressive fragments Khazar ceramics testifying to the population of the southern delta in the first millennium n.e.
30. Lifting material - ceramics - on Fedoritkin tubercle near the village of Multanovo. Carbonated vessels from a tormented test, outer surface with drawn gloss, walls flat, roller with roller, ornament furry. A lot of wreckage of iron guns.
31. Lifting material - Tatar ceramics - on boogre against the village of Kotyaevka, on the right bank Kigacha.
32. Lifting material - ceramics - Unnamed tubercle, near Tumganovka: a ) seroglin ceramics, pottery, well-clipped, the corolla is round, bent inside. There are no analogues in our finds is dating.
Naryn-Gora Bugra on the Makarka River: fragments Khazar red ceramics and fragment - gray.
33. Thief-bugor, near the Red Yar: a ) ceramics gray-clay, pottery, with black surface, the wreath is bent out, burned the good, drawn gloss - II fragments ( analogy - Saltovo, Khazars ); 6 ) seroglin ceramics, stucco, well-lipped; 4 fragments ( hazaras ); in ) red clay ceramics, pottery, good scorched - 9 fragments ( Tatars ); g ) fragments iron guns - 8 fragments.
Guard tubercle near Krasnaya Yar: a) ceramics, gray, well-burned, porous with a tuberous surface - 2 fragments; b) a handle from a jug, stucked, light red, good burned. Zurmansky tubercle near Krasnaya Yar: a) one fragment of ceramics of seroglin ladder (Khazar); b) two fragments of Tatar ceramics.
Boogers from Red Yar to Marfin - no finds.
34. Small Aral - tubercles east of the village. Lifting material: red and gray ceramics, good scorched (2 fragments) and guz, amorphous (2 fragment).
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