It’s by an Egyptian, Dr. Ashraf Ezzat. Here’s his conclusion. (I’ll put it into the anti-Semitism thread.
Dr. Ezzat has written extensively in Arabic tackling many issues and topics in the field of Egyptology and comparative religion. Written in English his latest thought-provoking book is “Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites”. I cannot verify any of this. You can further consider it if you consult with the book. Click this link beneath.
Here is the book, if you want to refer to it:
Direct quote from the book.
Maybe in the previous chapters too much information and academic research have been presented. We did our best not to complicate things but the misconception has been huge and the deception multifaceted and long lasting.
To simplify things let’s sum up and see what evidences we’ve got so far that strongly debunk the mainstream conception that Ancient Egypt is the land that witnessed the story of Moses and Pharaoh.
· First of all we have clearly pointed out that the Hebrew Bible (the original source of the Israelite stories) explicitly states and affirms that Mizraim, and not Egypt, was the place of the Moses/Pharaoh story as well as the stories of Abraham and Joseph.
· The milieu of the Israelite stories, most of all that of Joseph and Moses, doesn’t dovetail with the culture of Ancient Egypt. The main themes of slavery and tribalism that permeated those stories couldn’t be recognized in the traditions of Ancient Egypt.
· The confusion/deception happened in the 3rd century BC after seventy-two Jewish scribes had replaced ‘Mizraim’ with ‘Egypt’ in their translation of the Torah from Jewish into Greek (Septuagint Bible).
· Egypt is unambiguously designated in the Hebrew Bible as the tribe/clan/family of Egypt. And since our Egypt was one of the biggest and most enduring Empires in the ancient world, then that tribal designation (Meshfaht in Hebrew) unequivocally denotes that the Jewish scribes meant Mizraim; the small village in south Arabia.
· We have also demonstrated that the kings of ancient Egypt throughout most of its three-thousand-year kingdom were referred to by their official royal titles. Referring to Egyptian monarchs as Pharaohs is a Greek tradition that began to show in the records after the Ptolemaic conquest of Egypt.
· The (Arabian) tale of Pharaoh/Moses had falsely clung to Egypt due to the Septuagint Bible, the dissemination of its distorted message about Ancient Egypt was made easier by the change of tongue in both Egypt and Palestine from Demotic and Aramaic to Greek (Lingua franca of the region at the time)
· The word Pharaoh or Pr-aa has never been used in Egyptian records as an official royal title for the king prior to the Greek (Ptolemaic) era 305 BC–30 BC. Likewise, Egyptian oral history and written records are not at all familiar with the story of Moses and his Israelite followers.
· We have presented the investigations of a community of high-profile scholars whose evidence-based findings heavily suggest the following:
· The Israelites never set foot in Egypt and that the (Israelite) Mizraim is located in south western Arabia (Prof. Kamal Salibi, Dr. Bernard Leeman and Fadel El-Rubaiee)
· 70 years of archeological excavations all over the land of Israel, Palestine and Egypt have refuted that the Exodus of Moses and the Israelite people was from Egypt to Palestine (Prof. Ze’ev Herzog)
· Meticulous textual analysis combined with archeological finds suggests that the Pentateuch in its entirety was first written down at the Ancient Library of Alexandria (273 BC – 132 BC). Drawing heavily on Egyptian and Greek sources, the Septuagint Bible is the Hellenized (distorted) version of the Torah in which Egypt was hijacked and made the land of the story of the Exodus ( Prof. Russell Gmirkin)
· North Yemen is the place that witnessed the inception of Judaism as an exclusively Arabic religion with underpinnings of tribal violence and raids that are thematically more related to Islam’s culture of militancy and jihad than to Christianity and its docile ‘Turn the other cheek’s message (Fadel El-Rubaiee, Dr. Ziad Mona and Dr. Ashraf Ezzat)
· A body of credible and prominent Arabic historians, e.g. Al-Masudi 950 AD and also Yaqut al-Hamawi 1230 AD, mentioned Faraon and Mizraim as the Arabic chieftain and village where the story of Moses took place.
· Also the prominent Arabic/Yemeni historian and geographer, Al- Hamadani 893-945 A.D in his renowned book “Geography of the Arabian Peninsula) has given us unique insights into the geography of South Arabia and North Yemen. {probably need to register to get into this link?}
According to Hamadani’s meticulous geographical description a more consistent biblical landscape located in Ancient South Arabia and North Yemen was rendered using the place names and the biblical map provided in the Hebrew Bible.
· We have shown that the whole tribal structure of the Israelite stories with its pervasive Arabian culture of slavery doesn’t dovetail with ancient Egypt and its agricultural culture that somehow rejected the slave trade.
· We have demonstrated the etymology of the (native) name of the land of the Pyramids from remote antiquity down to the Islamic/Arabic conquest. At no point in the ancient times was the Pyramids’ land called Mizraim.
· We have proven by virtue of the (historically verified) letter sent by Mohamed to the Cyrus of Alexandria, before the Islamic conquest 642 AD, that Egypt was called Copt/Gept and not Mizraim.
· We have made use of the testimony of Herodotus during his visit to Egypt in 450 BC. Nowhere in his valuable account had Herodotus mentioned Pharaohs in Egypt or Jews in Palestine. And most importantly, Herodotus always referred to the rulers of ancient Egypt as kings.
· We have also incorporated the valuable testimony of Paul the Apostle, after sojourning for long three years in ancient Arabia, in which he unambiguously confirmed that Mount Sinai (where Moses received his tablets) is actually located in Arabia (and not in Egypt as falsely propagated)
· One of the most valuable testimonies in our research came from the Greek biographer and historian Plutarch (46- 120 AD). In his renowned book ‘Moralia’ Plutrach is referring to land of ancient Egypt as the land of ‘Copto’. This was a very interesting find, for copto/coptos is phonetically related to ‘Egypt/Aegyptus. Thanks to Plurach’s treatises on ancient Egyptian history and mythology, we now understand why the ancient (indigenous) Christians of Egypt till this very moment are called ‘Copts’.
· In his authoritative book ‘Aegyptiaca’ which was written in Greek around 285 BC, the Egyptian priest, Manetho had written the history of Ancient Egypt. His renowned work was the first to catalog the kings of Ancient Egypt into dynasties. Nowhere in Manetho’s book was there a mention of ‘Pharaoh’ as the designation for ‘King of Egypt, nor was Manetho aware of ‘Moses’ and his ‘Israelite followers’.
· Herodotus was not the only historian we have examined his records about Ancient Egypt. Historian, Diodorus Siculus and geographer, Strabo visited Egypt in the 1st century BC. In their extensive records about the land of the River Nile, none of them referred to its kings as Pharaohs or mentioned the story of the Exodus.
· We have explained that depicting and referring to the kings of Egypt as Pharaohs by Egyptologists doesn’t rely on any scientific basis; rather the terminology has slipped into academia by a mere biblical bias and gullibility that continue to do immeasurable damage to any proper interpretation of ancient Near Eastern history.
· We have demonstrated that the records of the ‘Amarna Letters’ and the Cuneiform tablets of Assyrian and Babylonian kings never addressed the king of Egypt as Pharaoh.
· Amongst the Amarna Letters there was a controversial one that was said to have been sent from Abdu-Heba, the vassal chieftain of Jerusalem, to King Akhenaten of Egypt. That couldn’t possibly have been sent from Jerusalem of Palestine, for during the time of the Amarna (1350 BC) there was simply no Jerusalem (in Palestine) to speak of in the first place. The city was not yet established. Therefore we do believe that this anachronism is a strong indication that the letter of Abdu-Heba was sent from the original site of Jerusalem, in Ancient Yemen.
· In a later chapter the author has presented his own theory of ‘Arabic tribe of Israel’. Looking back at the journeys of the Patriarch Abraham and by investigating the historicity of the places he visited, the author proved that the Pharaoh that Abraham met was definitely not a king of Egypt. Also by comparing the Egyptian records of both King Merneptah (1213 to 1203 BC) and king Ramses III (1186–1155 BC), Dr. Ezzat has concluded that the ‘Israel’ mentioned in King Merneptah stele must have been in ancient Arabia as the records of his successor King Ramses III are devoid of any mention of Israel/Israelites during his military campaign in Palestine (mistaken for biblical Canaan) against a confederation of the Sea Peoples.
· We have shown that ancient Palestine was never referred to as ‘Canaan’ which is a biblical designation that lacks any historical support. On the other hand, we have revealed that ‘Canaan’ is the Arabian tribe with whom the Israelites were engaged in long military conflict over a land grab.
· We have shown that the Israelite stories, all of them, are devoid of any mention of the Pyramids or the Sphinx. There is no reference; not only to those ancient sites but the Hebrew tales are also silent about other characteristic ancient Egyptian traditions such as the belief in the afterlife.
The four-hundred-year sojourn in Egypt should have left its mark on the Israelites and their culture, but that is nowhere to be detected in their stories because they have never been to Egypt. And no, the argument that claims the Israelites refrained from being affected by pagan beliefs and culture can’t be considered valid, for all sorts of Sumerian, Assyrian and Babylonian (pagan) cultural influences are jammed into their Torah. Also the not so infrequent comparison between King Akhenaten’s monotheism and that of the Israelites is also invalid in essence for the Jewish cult is tribal, militaristic and lacked (actually forbade) any genuine artistic manifestations while that of Akhenaten was universal in nature (built on ancient Egyptian belief in a supreme God) that was celebrated by works of revolutionary art and architecture. Besides Akhenaten’s Aten was an inclusive deity that embraced all his children and not just one specific tribe of the desert.
No matter how hard you dig into the Israelite stories you will not find any Egyptian influence, not a speck of impact, except maybe the mention of the word Pharaoh. And guess what; Egypt never knew any Pharaohs either.
Now we are going to leave you with these evidence-based findings in the hope that you will join our quest for the truth. Read the book again if you have to. Re-examine your old beliefs to find out how they have come to define you. Indeed we are limited, if not pre-conditioned, by our old beliefs and stories. As they once carved our past those same old stories keep on shaping how we view the present. Exposing those old stories to critical scrutiny will only decide if they will keep their (unwarranted) authority over us in the future.
This is not some conspiracy theory. Look at the whole scene through the lens of logic and objectivity. View and perceive the Israelite stories as they really are; ancient tales of some Arabian tribes that dwelled in South Arabia and North Yemen. Those tales were never meant to grow bigger or even cross the boundaries of their Arabian tribes. Those tales were merely the chronicles of the ancient Arabian violent raids and perpetual conflict over land grab and the spoils of their endless tribal wars. Judaism and its Israelite stories of militant raids are as genuinely Arabian as Islam is, and its tales of holy wars and jihad.
The gigantic impact of the Israelite stories and their seemingly perpetual dissemination is the result of over than two thousand years of deception. The current and constant military conflict in the Middle East is the result of those stories being ruthlessly politicized.
If it wasn’t for Egypt, and its splendor and glory, the Israelite tales wouldn’t have appealed to the masses. They wouldn’t have propagated beyond the confines of the Hebrew book. Try and retell the Exodus story as it had actually occurred in an obscure and small Arabian village called Mizraim.
Try and take the land of Egypt with its Pyramids, temples, paintings, riches, music, culture, sculpture, military chariots, priests, people and the River Nile out of the Exodus Story and then see what you’ve got. That’s right, you will end up with a totally different story; boring and irrelevant to any audience except may be the sheep herders and tribesmen from ancient Arabia.
It is time we sobered up. It is time we put an end to the propagation of deception and falsehood. This is not a conspiracy theory, rather a rare glimpse into the true history of ancient Egypt and the Israelites, a rare glimpse into the truth that has long been obliterated by the heavy and thick strokes of deception.
Wake up to the true story; Egypt never knew any Pharaohs or any Israelites. The land of the Pyramids knew neither Pharaoh nor Moses. Egypt was never the land of the Israelites’ Exodus nor is Palestine their Promised Land.
This article is a breath of fresh air, at least in the sense of being a lot closer to the truth.
Ancient Egyptian kings were actually called neshu bjatyi (nešuk- biyati). [One who is of the Sedge and the Bee] Two Lands; also etymological to Tau Wei -- meaning precisely "Two Lands."
The so called Israelites who supposedly went to Egypt, were the Habiru tribes, led by the Heka Khasut (Hyksos), to the Egyptians they were known as "habatu" meaning bandits.
According to the Armana Letters, the individual known in the Bible as Abraham may likely be Abdi-Ashirta; an ingratiating chameleon, who set about subverting the vassal lords in the Levant during the rein of Amenhotep the 3rd.
Most of the OT and the NT are story inversions, for the purpose of propping up the legitimacy of the Empire of Byzantium. Religious propaganda.
Let's not forget the slaughter of pagan Greeks at Scythopolis, during the rein of Constancious 2.
Unfortunately, none of this will matter. Some members of the tiny-hat wearing tribe will undoubtedly find - in a cave - a manuscript that will be 'dated' to a millennia earlier than anything you can produce and will render all of your work useless. There will be a shrine built that will contain an actual certified copy of this manuscript, as well as thousands of pairs of unearthed sandals worn by the actual slaves liberated from Egypt. Then, the media and religious organizations that they control will slander you into non-existence and possibly put all of you on trial.