This article is a breath of fresh air, at least in the sense of being a lot closer to the truth.

Ancient Egyptian kings were actually called neshu bjatyi (nešuk- biyati). [One who is of the Sedge and the Bee] Two Lands; also etymological to Tau Wei -- meaning precisely "Two Lands."

The so called Israelites who supposedly went to Egypt, were the Habiru tribes, led by the Heka Khasut (Hyksos), to the Egyptians they were known as "habatu" meaning bandits.

According to the Armana Letters, the individual known in the Bible as Abraham may likely be Abdi-Ashirta; an ingratiating chameleon, who set about subverting the vassal lords in the Levant during the rein of Amenhotep the 3rd.

Most of the OT and the NT are story inversions, for the purpose of propping up the legitimacy of the Empire of Byzantium. Religious propaganda.

Let's not forget the slaughter of pagan Greeks at Scythopolis, during the rein of Constancious 2.

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Hello Nefahotep. I literally found this book only yesterday, and immediately thought of your work. I have only read this conclusion, but I decided to post this part right away. Glancing through it, it seems very interesting.

Our site is about non-western views, (not our commonly fed narrative), of different periods in history. (Granted, it is someone else's narrative.) More than one point of view helps explain the full picture. A couple of the books I read and posted about in the "anti-Semitism" thread, are Israeli authors, but not recounting the typical Zionist narrative. A contemporary Egyptian author is a good addition.

It seems that he is saying Ancient Arabs were ruthless and violent, and the origin of the Hebrews, but Egyptians were not the same? I would like to find other viewpoints on Persia and Babylon. In the mean time I am pretty occupied with Russia and Eastern Europe and the Steppes. We still have a long way to go with "Ancient Rus and the Great Steppe".


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Your work on the "Ancient Rus and the Great Steppe" is very detailed and I consider it quite excellent. The Scythian area and it's history is very complex.

I think the Egyptians were able to be ruthless, maybe a bit violent at times, their local neighborhood certainly was. Other viewpoints on Persia and Babylon might be found from Ancient Indian writings; likely there were trade routes, cursory information at least, there may also be some Chinese references, but I'm not sure.

One way I like to approach these ancient cultures, is to see them as a sedimentary; they were in a constant state of growth and recession, as those cycles occurred they added new traits, languages changed as people mixed. So this makes outside observations from other references speculative, yet still helpful.

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"The ancients were in a constant state of growth and recession". The west ascribes it to armed clashes. It was that too. It is the basis of our belief in power, that "might is right". You surmise that in those cycles they added new traits and new languages. Perhaps it was the people mixing, or unable to mix (what Gumilev calls a chimera), and the borrowed traits THAT WERE THE CAUSE of the cycles, not their effect, and the downfall, OR the outright disappearance.

Our current rhetoric is that diversity is power. Of course we have to say that, because that is our starting point. We now have diversity (mixing, or attempted mixing). We can't say that it is no good and the cause of our downfall. It is the cause of radical changes. Can we accept those changes? We will no longer be a nation of traditional values. Maybe those values are fake, and need to be retired?

So many questions to ask.


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Good work. I read about the Yemen connection many years ago (can't recall who/where) and that the word Pharaoh doesn't appear in Egypt. My go-to explanation of the Jewish people is that they are, essentially, a tribe of traders. What is Yemen? The mouth to the Red Sea, the gateway from East to West and later West to East.

I read in a book by Menzies that in 1434 there were large wealthy Jewish trading houses in Jeddah(?) who had been managing East-West maritime trade for at least six hundred years at that point and also had mansions in various ports in India and China.

The ancient world was run by tribes and kings. Each king ruled everything within his own jurisdiction. What is trade? A trade is an agreement that binds the parties between one jurisdiction and another, the agreement becoming a third virtual jurisdiction. Jews managed inter-jurisdictional agreements gradually spreading all over the world wherever inter-jurisdictional commerce grew. In each jurisdiction they were managing important financial flows but being non-subjects of the king's authority therein. A tribe apart. And then they were also a tribe apart in the destination jurisdiction where the goods were delivered.

From there, they have constructed various narratives to explain and empower their special status - the Chosen is such a story enhanced by involving a very powerful God. What is a god? In ancient times, it was not so much a philosophical concept (as in Platonic trinitarianism) as a strong spirit. All beings have spirit, peaceful, wrathful, powerful, weak, masculine, feminine. It is like the secret inner core, it is the Idea of the horse behind/before the manifest horse. So a tribal god exemplifies the quintessential spirit of the people living forever unlike the individual tribe members who, being mortal, come and go. That tribal god is, in many ways, quite real, and ancient people tuned into such principles naturally, I suspect; also making most of our ideas of such gods and beliefs way off the mark, but that's another topic.

So: the Jews are a tribe of people who specialized in inter-jurisdictional commerce whose population and influence spread wherever there was significant, regular maritime commerce. It started with the trade between East and West into the Red Sea to Cairo and from thence, via Alexandria, to Europe, the maritime traffic from which was, by the 1400s, handled by licensed Venetian galleys (and triremes) powered by oars, so well established was that trade.

Now there was also overland trade via the Silk Road. By the 1400s, also according to Menzies, most middle class families in Venice had Mongolian serving girls. But for large bulk cargo, maritime is always better than overland and still is to this day. The point here is that East West trade has been a very big item in world affairs for several thousand years, something our histories tends to overlook.

Factoid-question: I also read years ago that at the time of Christ there were more Jews living in Egypt (millions) than in Judea. I suspect that is true because of the huge volume of commerce going through Cairo and Alexandria. This doesn't contradict the research you are offering, but might help explain (if true, which I don't know) why the Egypt Exodus story was so easily accepted as factual.

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There is an article today on the Intel Drop stating the same thing. Soooo, Can we stop the US/Israel from using the Super Fuse Nuke Mods for their armageddon now ?

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Nuke is a magic fear word, (like Cancer). I think that a Nuke WILL go off, (or call it a boatload of Ammonium nitrate, like in Beirut). But I never thought a massive first strike would be attempted, and the resultant counter attack in 15 minutes. So I don't believe nukes will be the end-of-the-world.

Nukes don't make sense in most situations, and I think Israel is one of them. You can knock out a hardened or non-hardened target with one rocket instead of 10. Is there a target with that much value? OK, someone's nuclear power plant, and a resultant radio active contamination (terrorism). You can do the same with conventional explosives, and/or a so-called "dirty bomb". So I have never been moved by the term Armageddon.

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Well, the West is going down , they have stolen all the money they can from the Feds and thru other Agencies, the US is on the Destroy list, Europe is in the same basket, Israel has recieved Trillions since 1948 and has murdered their way towards Hell while the Americans keep sending them more arms and money. The Neocons and Jew Ukie Oligarchs started this war where I live and they are going to lose their Ukie investments to Russia, China and Brics in the End. You never know what people will do when they are up against a wall - esp. a wall that they built, but will never admit to.

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Hello gmc. I think you have first-hand experience of Ukraine, while I only read about it. Since the partition of Poland (1790's), half of it was Russia, until Lenin set these borders and called it Ukraine. Correct? Then it was Soviet until 1991. Still, is it correct to say half of the people were Russian? The other half, what were they? Polish, Austria-Hungarian had a corner of it, Polish/Lithuanian, supposed Nordic influences from the line of Rurik in Kiev, who were the natives in the 7th and 8th centuries? My histories start in the late 800's.

Were all people currently intermixing and speaking several languages? What was it like?

We also read that Ukraine descended to the lowest of the European economies after the 1990's. We read that their GDP/capita was $10/day. If that is average, some (or many) were below that. Is that true, and what was that like? Were there any services? Why do they fervently defend that nation-state? If they ever won something, wouldn't the few oligarchs take it all? Or has it all been sold to American hedge funds?

I think that the west can steal $ trillions more and for many decades. After all, they just cook-up dollars like a new batch of hot-cakes.


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Nope, I'm a novice compared to your research, that why I enjoy your History lessons - esp. about this old Хазария , Pecheneg area. I caught a few pages of Konstantine the VII { I think} of his book to his son about all the different societies around the Black Sea etc. back then. Anyways , I'm an old man that lived in Alaska too long and ended up in Ukraine in 08 - working. I murder the Russian language but - hell I'm too old to care - lol Спасибо Учитель

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I don't really "research. I just found some authors and a series of books that do original research. I was so impressed and curious that I translated them (with A.I. which is pretty good), and then years later I found Substack, and I am publishing them.

I refer to your on-the-ground experiences of Ukraine from 2008 onward. Was it a mixed society? Did people get along with each other?

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The Moscow/Kiev construction company I worked for " Q Tek" had an office in Kiev, so when I was in Kiev most people were speaking Russian { I was told} back then I couldn't tell the difference between Ukie or Rooskie - I'm still not fluent in Russian - but I can hear the difference now. Many people spoke both because some Universities were speaking Ukrainian and some Russian. Business Documents were done in both languages and submitted. I couldn't see that the populace had a problem with one another in the East or Central Ukraine - maybe in Western but that would be their problem and most likely nurtured by the usual suspects - CIA/Mossad.

My job was in Yalta ,Crimea on Zolotoy Plashe { Golden Beach } and I was one of two P M starting to build a huge resort complex { High Rise Condos, Boat Marina, Restaurant etc. etc. The men on the job were from all over Ukraine because of different sub contractors being from Central and Eastern Ukie ville. I saw no personality problems or differences between them - everyone was happy to be working on a big project that had two Americans running the job. One thing they did have in common was that they were tired of the corrupt Kiev Gov and told me all about it. Yushenko was Prez. then. The other Americans and companies I met in Kiev in 08 was very interesting , and it took me years to connect the dots, that became very important in what we see today.

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“· The confusion/deception happened in the 3rd century BC after seventy-two Jewish scribes had replaced ‘Mizraim’ with ‘Egypt’ in their translation of the Torah from Jewish into Greek (Septuagint Bible).

Why? What was their motive?

This paragraph doesn’t make sense:

“· Egypt is unambiguously designated in the Hebrew Bible as the tribe/clan/family of Egypt. And since our Egypt was one of the biggest and most enduring Empires in the ancient world, then that tribal designation (Meshfaht in Hebrew) unequivocally denotes that the Jewish scribes meant Mizraim; the small village in south Arabia.”

Ok, here is a why. But what was the motive in the 3rd century BC for embellishing the Exodus story.

“If it wasn’t for Egypt, and its splendor and glory, the Israelite tales wouldn’t have appealed to the masses. They wouldn’t have propagated beyond the confines of the Hebrew book. Try and retell the Exodus story as it had actually occurred in an obscure and small Arabian village called Mizraim.

Did they need to “appeal to the masses”? The Jewish masses?

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But I cannot buy the book as a book here in UK or on Amazon! Why?

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I had wondered if this book is widely available. That is why I offered my copy. Just click the link up above, and the book will be on your desktop. It is in ePub format.

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