
I wrote a piece here in July: "Why do people make wars?"


I said "Maybe we, or a few others of us agitate for war. But do we have the capacity to make it happen? Talk is cheap." Usually I see it as the opposite. It is the central authorities, or THOSE THAT ADVISE THEM, that agitate for war, and it is the populous that asks for peace. It is the populous that will have to pay the immense costs of war. Yes, there are reasons for war, but I am not going to make a lengthy listing.

I will go immediately to the center of my hypothesis: WAR IS A BOOKKEEPING ENTRY IN THE LEDGERS OF THE ELITES. There are costs of war and there are profits of war. How to they add up?

✓There is destruction that will have to be rebuilt. But it's the people that will have to repay those debts.

✓There is death, but that will be replaced for free by the next generation.

✓These deaths will become part of a mythology whereby we can easily repeat the plan if it works out in our favor.

✓There is risk that we may lose control over what we already have, but much more likely we will gain control over a far bigger fraction. (That’s the plan.)

✓We can suppress any opposition as traitorous.

In the vanquished nation, the same, even more will have to be rebuilt. Take the Ukraine; people are buying condominiums in Odessa for lower prices than ever imagined. If their building is still standing, they will profit immensely. I believe that there are real-estate companies operating in the Russian military, and they are selling prime Ukrainian properties to Russian Soldiers. That’s a side effect. The real movement is in western corporations buying huge tracts of land, in minerals, agriculture, forestry and oil shale. These are investment opportunities after the hostilities. All depending on how the war plays out.

These balance sheets set-the-limits on what can be peace, or what will be continued hostilities. We can’t finish WITHOUT SOME KIND OF PROFIT MARGIN, ideally a lot of profit. It is the conventions of paper assets that cause all wars. Even with all our excess profits and excess capital, we cannot own an apartment block in our own country. We already own them all, (or our competitor owns them).


Here I was saying that war is systemic to capitalism. I enumerated the steps. At least periodically, it has always lead to that end. The greater question: - is there really SUCH A THING as Capitalism, that controls our destiny?

NO; CAPITALISM IS JUST A WORD. It is the word that corporations and elites hide behind to do all their dirty work.

It is men that make wars, not inert ideologies.

THIS PREVIOUS POST WAS A MONOLITHIC ANALYSIS. It didn't take into consideration the changing mind-sets of the generations. Above we proposed that Boomers are going to throw nukes into Russia. Will millennial's or 13ers feel the same way? By our monolithic analysis, WE SAY YES. But is that true?

This post on generational differences doesn't answer these problems nor predict the future. But it adds another analytical element, that I think is worthy of your attention. We don't have any "generational labels" for medieval Russia. But of course mind-sets and behaviors changed in the course of time.

I can ask Librarian, if that is something to think about in the study of history.


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I appreciate this post and this comment. We have a lot of writing on ethnogenesis, the rise and decline. It is based on excess personal energy, in excess of the will for survival. Passionality. It might risk everything to make a change in circumstances. Successfully or unsuccessfully.

But our analysis does not consider to what ends, the excess energy to do WHAT? What is the nature of these thoughts? Sure, you need energy to put them into motion. Maybe it just needs an outlet, (like the Crusades)? Both constructive and destructive are discussed here. In the decline, the destructive takes precedence. I think the destructive is gaining force now.

Yes, we need something deeper than that, if we only had access to ancient mind-sets. Well, we could sort of reverse-engineer what the mind-set must have been, by looking at what happened. There is so much belief that the turn of events is orchestrated by outside events. Then what we think has no relevance and no culpability. Very handy. "Outside events" are a mind-set too.



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The coming-of-age opposition to everything for the sake of the opposition itself is great as a steeping stone to empower the undernourished sense of “Me”. Or to balance the first years of life during which the child is a passive recipient of a multitude of gifts, which inevitably results in the deep mystical question, “What is behind all these gifts? What am I being fed/taught/being taken care of for?”

So the kid goes “no” to everything, in bulk. Before anti-social media, that opposition was a fleeting experience, resulting in a quick transition into the teenage period of building own domain, “Me among my peers” (or outside of them). And that quickly shifted into “Ok, now I am adult (I think), it’s time to start thinking and behaving for real”.

Anti-social media and pseudo-relationships (the internet, smartphones, free (unearned) online access to the whole world), destroyed this phase-based evolution. Now fleeting impressions become lifestyles. “Influencers” replaced mentors, like-hoarders replaced larger-than-life heroes, quick career risers replaced authentic inner-based authority. Benefits from becoming “popular” (it’s not a synonym to “appreciated” or “recognized”) reinforce the fake sense of achievement. When 300,000 likes tell you that you are great, it simply becomes your truth. Unfortunately, there is no energy behind it. 250,000 of these likes were generated by soul-less bots, programmed to push certain trends above the surface of dullness, 49,000 more are copy-pastes randomly clicked, without more than 0.1 s of second thoughts.

With the pre-programmed AI servers and pre-defined AI software, these fake trends of fake impressions “followed” by fake people who have never earned anything in their life within the true fail-rise-try again cycle will create a whole new reality of fiat life. It’s already happening. It’s recently conquered the seemingly solid world of medicine. We are seeing it live conquering the realm of politics. We have just been fed the fake electric vehicle saviour of life on the Earth, and many of us bought this no questions asked.

What will happen next? What is most obvious: the destruction of all verifiable libraries in the world. The printed archives have to be destroyed and forgotten. The printed media have to be phased out. NASA has given the best, epic example, destroying all evidence of their Moon landing and Apollo “achievements”. What could have been an interesting contribution to technological growth has become a myth. Like with all myths, its only purpose is to give rise to more myths, ultimately offering a whole toolbox to control the life of the population, locally and elsewhere.

Us and them will always be there simply because it is the easiest manner of distracting the empty mind of the empty soul which has not been born, yet. It must not be allowed to wake up. Once the soul is touched, it will never stop seeking new grounds, challenging working solutions, disturbing the deep sleep hypnosis of the drone minds.

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16 hrs ago·edited 15 hrs agoAuthor

Hello Dan, and thanks for your input, and your hard-hitting comment.

I did not have any child rearing experience nor do I currently know any young people. Yes, kids question "why am I aimed in this direction", but I don't believe all children rebel with the same force. Even within the same family, some are total rebels, and some are compliant to family and social norms. Those that have "success" in the system do not rebel as much, those who fail in education, (they may become school shooters). You are saying that the Internet and (anti)social media exacerbate rebellion. Maybe so, I can't be an authority on this.

[Previously I looked at China with interest. There is an immense youth segment on social media that refuse to do anything. They call it LYING FLAT. But that was not their nature, in fact, THEY DID EVERYTHING, to get into college and get a degree. They worked as students 7 days a week, overtime with tutoring and outside studies, passed a hundred rigorous tests, just to get in. They were certainly being AIMED BY THEIR PARENTS and society, and they went through all the steps.

But then with degree in hand; THERE ARE NO JOBS FOR THEM. It all comes to nothing. Immense, immense disillusionment. And now LYING FLAT.]

My belief is that if a youth, or even a ghetto gang member, had a good job and a good career path, they would put all of their energy into that. Today's youth know there is not enough room in our kind of economy for all. Are they told to FIGHT FOR THOSE FEW OPPORTUNITIES?

In other words, this article is saying that neither the oppressed nor the oppressor are monolithic, with the same thoughts and desires. Neither are the youth monolithic with the same anti-social, anti-constructive and rebellious nature. They all may be disillusioned to some degree. "Is this the best older people can bequeath to us?"

[I remember reading an incredulous article when the UK had immense unemployment. According to the article there were 1,000 applicants for every job opening. The government's response was to open centers to teach how to excel in a job interview.] That is the state of today's youth. In Europe it is ten times worse and of ten times longer duration.

> About unearned online access to the world.

Smart phones are given to kids as a convenient baby-sitter. I am totally against it.

> About becoming popular with 300,000 LIKES.

I believe it is like Sports. There is a place for ONE Michael Jordan, but there are 10's of millions of kids who putts around on a basketball court. I am on the Internet, how many likes do I have? NONE. By far, most people never get anything like a "viral" exposure. Caught in the gig economy, they are only reaching for the internet dream.

> Never earned anything in their life within the true fail-rise-try again cycle.

This is an excellent reflection. It is truly the way life works. So you just SAY SOMETHING; and supposedly it becomes real. Like with God, in the beginning there was the WORD. Well, that is the model that the Main-Stream-Media follows. Never mind that they retract and reverse next week. Even next year they can trot out the same rubbish, and it is swallowed again.

> Then you say it is the same with Medicine, Politics and Technology.

Recently I am in several leading hospitals. I am totally amazed by the 1,000's of people seeking and receiving care; and then contrasting that to Gaza or Ukraine, where a life is worth 2 cents. I have nothing disparaging to say about our medicine. (My reference is not only CoVid.)

Re-writing history is easier on-line, than in the printed archives, that is for sure. That is how the duality of an "enemy" is formed and sustained. Why not reject ALL MYTHS? Where is the current proof? I demand results on the ground, NOW.

> An empty "soul" has not been born yet.

If it is true; Can we wait for it? Not hardly. Perhaps it is a myth of the future, not unlike the myths of the past, and all serving the existing power structures. Somehow I feel that my mentality and my emotionality are little-touched by these momentums. Is my "soul" awakened (just a little bit)?

Is your soul awakened to write these things?

Good to hear from you.


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