I saw a post about Self-Healing by Nico Cost on a forum. I have no idea of how to track him down. “When you use willpower differently, your world is going to change.”
Nico Cost, posted Oct 20, 2024 (1,800 words)
There is a Youtube music video involved. Mongolian Music – Boerte – Gobi, 8 min. You have to watch it first, because it is so stylized, (recorded in a sound studio, but acted out on the Mongolian desert with a large cast), that you are going to be too curious as to see what they are presenting. But later you listen with eyes closed.
Self-Healing by Nico Cost
I know that many people still find this a difficult subject, but at the same time we are all in need of a loving society where we can live meaningful lives in good health. If you experience any resistance at this writing, try to park-that for a moment and join this experiment “if you like”. You can’t get worse from it, and who knows, it might benefit you a great deal.
My suggestion is to do the experiment first, and in a follow-up writing, I will share something about my work, experience and insights to provide some background. There will be all kinds of questions as well as reservations, but let’s start with getting your own experience because that will be most valuable in any follow-up. Of importance is to realize that in all that may happen, you yourself are in charge.
Good preparation is half the battle. I provide brief instructions, an assignment and a YouTube video to listen to. It is best to do the experiment when you are alone in a quiet environment without being distracted. You do not have to watch the video and it is best to sit up straight. During the music or meditation have your eyes closed and breathe in and out quietly.
Do not resist any thought, but do not connect with it either. Return each time to concentrate on your breathing, quietly and deeply. Observe how your body responds to this experiment. Allow emotions, cry if necessary and feel the alternation between becoming calm and/or restless. You don’t have to do anything, just observe what happens.
Prepare a glass of water or tea in advance for after the exercise. Know that it is not about understanding the experiment, but about the experience. You grant your body and your soul this experience, that is initially beyond our minds. It is like balancing on a bicycle that cannot be understood, but only felt. You will carry the experience with you all your life.
SUMMARY of Things to remember about this exercise:
✓Visualize yourself standing somewhere on Earth under the starry sky and receiving love from all the stars. You are connected to the entire cosmos and all the light is flowing through you. ✓pay attention to your breathing when your brain starts to wander ✓pay attention to opening up to the energy from above ✓Visualize yourself under the stars and feel the light of the stars all around you and through you. ✓After the music, 8 min, turn everything off and stay in silence for a few more minutes. (From Substack there is nothing to turn off, as it does not automatically lead into playing another viedeo.) ✓Keep breathing calmly and deeply and think of nothing. ✓Don’t try to understand anything. ✓Feel only your body and the realization that you are one with everything, or look into it. ✓Allow emotions as they come. ✓Take time to land back on Earth.
The assignment
I know that those who want to participate in this experiment carry an awful lot of love within them and want to share that love with others. However, this experiment is about receiving love and for many that is quite a challenge. Surrendering yourself to the love of life is not so easy in this harsh world where human beings are rightly healthy suspicious, and prefer to control things.
During the session you have nothing to do. ✓You don’t have to give love. ✓You don’t have to care for others. ✓You don’t have to express wishes for the world. All you may do is ✓open yourself to the love of the cosmos.
Visualize yourself standing somewhere on Earth under the starry sky and receiving love from all the stars. You are connected to the entire cosmos and all the light is flowing through you.
So, there are only two things you can consciously pay attention to, which are your breathing when your brain starts to wander, and opening up to the energy from above. Know that you can’t go wrong, because it’s about the experience and that’s not a goal in itself. It always goes exactly as it should, which is what is so beautiful about life that offers us everything we need.
The Experiment
Get the YouTube video below ready to listen to. Sit up straight with both feet on the ground. Relax your body and breathe calmly and deeply. Let go of everything and surrender to the music. Don’t resist thoughts, but also let them fly by as you focus on your breathing. Visualize yourself under the stars and feel the light of the stars all around you and through you.
After the music, 8 min, turn everything off and stay in silence for a few more minutes. Keep breathing calmly and deeply and think of nothing. Don’t try to understand anything. Feel only your body and the realization that you are one with everything. Allow emotions as they come. Take time to land back on Earth. Everything will go as it should, trust that. Have fun with the experiment, enjoy it.
Feel free to share your experiences or ask questions if there is a need. (In a reply on the forum. or here below) As indicated, I will provide background in a follow-up writing. (I don’t have it.) For now, I am guiding the energy, but please know that all healing is always self-healing. You are in charge and I am only a guide. You can repeat the exercise as many times as you like. Love is what the world needs most.
Here are further comments from Nico Cost
Connection (I claim no great understanding of the below - wnt)
When we look at our body, at all the cells that make up our body, we understand that everything in our body is interconnected. Not only is everything physically connected, we know that the whole is controlled from an intelligent center. Even the parts that function largely autonomously are connected to that center.
When the center dies, the whole body dies. Now people will think that two organs can fulfill this role, namely the brain and the heart. Obviously, these two organs are vital and when they die, then the body cannot continue to live either. However, the question is whether those two organs are the center that I am writing about?
The point is, I am not my body. I have my physical body, but I am not that. I am more than my body. And the same goes for my thinking, I am more than my thinking. I am even more than my consciousness, although that consciousness has a lot to do with my “soul”. However, this is a story in itself and goes beyond what I want to talk about here on self-healing, and connection.
Let me assume for this writing that my consciousness is the center from which my body and thinking are controlled. That my consciousness essentially connects with every cell in my body. Every cell knows what to do and various organs work autonomously, but my consciousness determines my life and death. All cells and organs are intelligent and connected to my consciousness.
My health is then determined by the degree of connection with my consciousness. When my consciousness is separated from my body and thinking, then I die. When cells and organs take on a life of their own and start operating separately from my consciousness, then diseases arise that can eventually lead to the death of the whole body.
What I want to make clear is that life can be healthy because all the cells in a body are connected to consciousness. And if you carry that analogy through to the universe in which we all live, then you understand that every human being must be connected to the consciousness of this universe, like a cell does to keep it healthy. When people become disconnected, a piece of the universe dies.
When people separate themselves from the consciousness of this universe, it irrevocably leads to the death of those people. Just as cancer can fester in a human body, a separation that is ultimately life-threatening, people can fester in the universe. They are out of connection, separated from the consciousness of the universe in which they live.
But death lurks, for the entire universe. Something will have to be done about this cancer. Again, I don’t want to go further into this concept either, but you can hopefully see the examples in today’s evolution on Earth. We have big problems. However, this writing continues with the understanding that we individual humans must be connected to the consciousness of our universe.
You can call that God, but I personally have little faith in the various religions that have hijacked God for their own interests. Nor does it matter so much what we call “it”, as long as we recognize and acknowledge “it”. Unity consciousness, God, nature, the source of all life, all words that can never adequately represent what “it” is. That with which we are connected.
Now when I talk about self-healing, it is very important that you are aware of your connection to the consciousness of the universe. It is not about prayer or other religious rituals, but about an inner knowing and human will, to be part of the whole. That intention is essential to becoming, being and remaining healthy. You are not separate, but we are one.
Meditation is one way to consciously seek and engage that connection. In so many areas, meditation is a very good way to live a more pleasant life together. We know that all the sages who have lived on Earth have used meditation on their way to enlightenment. They are an example for every human being and therefore I highly recommend (learning) to meditate. The fact that we get caught up in the issues of the day makes us need meditation more than ever.
You can only escape from the illusion by consciously stepping out of it. All you need for this is willpower. For it is that same will that keeps you running in circles. When you use that willpower differently, your world is going to change.
It’s the same with addictions. Actually, being-busy is also an addiction. A distraction from things you don’t want to face or think about. Resting and doing nothing can seem like having no control. Letting go of everything can create great uncertainty.
Funnily enough, you don’t necessarily need the meditating if you can live like this, because then you are already more or less living in a meditative state. Meditating is also not an activity you do regularly for a while, but a permanent attitude to life. During specific meditation sessions you keep it up, and it deepen.
Busy-busy-busy exists only in the mental field and it is all illusion. You can choose it, but then it also costs you a lot. The mental field causes us to live unhealthily; we are lived by it. It expresses itself in many forms.